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作者: HL, 更新日期: 2018-11-26
网友问题: 大牛们给推荐个router吧, 实在受不了家里的龟速网了。太慢,插上网线看视频一点也不卡,用 wireless 基本没法看,肯定就是 router 的问题了吧,预算100以内吧.

先声明不是专业人士了, 也就是根据自己的经验,和网上的调研来说说了。

首先,网速慢觉得除了router 的速度以外,还要看你电脑上无线网卡的速度。 这个可以在外面上网试一下就知道了, 如果没什么问题,就换 router 了。


Google WiFi
本来我们想买Costco的netgear nighthawk路由器的,但那个也200多,网上差评不少。相比之下,google wifi好评如潮,所以我们就定下来买google wifi了。


google wifi专门解决这种问题的,装上后,基本上家里各个地方都一样的网速了, 都是嗖嗖的。

ASUS Dual-Band Wireless-N 600 Router (RT-N56U)
网速: 802.11n: up to 300Mbps ; 802.11a/g: up to 54Mbps; 802.11b: up to 11Mbps

ASUS RT-N66U Dual-Band Wireless-N900 Gigabit Router 这个朋友给介绍的, 功能非常强大了。Asus 的东西比较Rock, 信号强,速度快,就是价钱小贵了, 超过100刀了。

TP-LINK TL-WR1043ND Ultimate Wireless N300 Router , Gigabit TP-link牌子的路由器也不错,价格比较便宜。现在打折不到$50. 也是我那个老美system admin推荐的.

Medialink Wireless-N Broadband Router with Internal Antenna (300 Mbps) - 2.4GHz - 802.11b/g/n - Compatible with Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista / Windows XP / Mac OS X / Linux. 这个是俺用的觉得比较好使的。 一点也不卡, 安装简单,原价100刀, 打折时不到50刀。

Cisco-Linksys WRT54GL Wireless-G Broadband Router 这个是俺家以前用的,虽然不是Wireless-N的,不过也很不错用了很久很稳定。 就是电器挂多了有时会掉线。

WD My Net N750 HD Dual Band Router Wireless N WiFi Router Accelerate HD 另外这个 west digital 的 N750 性价比也很不错, 也是可以考虑。

用苹果MAC的朋友,推荐这个 Apple Capsule 3TB 作为wi-fi base station和备份用。对于小型办公是很好的选择。

相关文章也可以参看这篇 Wireless-N Router 无线宽带路由器的最新打折信息

Comments (8)

1. HL 2013-11-26 07:28
SmallNetBuilder 这个站点也是那个老美网络系统管理员推荐的。网站有路由器的比较文章,值得看一看。写文章的这些人都是有多年经验的美国IT从业人士,super great for checking out home-class based equipment.
2. JC 2014-12-18 12:17
如果你的房子比较大,wireless网络可能在某些房间里信号就比较弱了。可以考虑买个Ethernet over powerline的adapter。这样,可以用你家的电线来作为网络通道,一来没有wireless的辐射,二来屋子任何地方,只要插上这个adapter,就有网络了。网速很快,不像wireless网络那样速度不稳定。

这款 TP-LINK 600Mbps Powerline Adapter 就很好用,也不贵,$66(现在Amazon还有$10 coupon),一套2个adapter,我买的就是这个。除了两个adapter外,还带了两根网线。买回来后,一个插到Comcast cable modem附近的电源outlet, 用网线和cable modem连上;另一个就在有laptop的房间里插到电源上,用网线和laptop连上后,就可以上网了。

3. HL 2015-03-31 11:38 现在 Hard Drives & Networking Products 有些正在 on sale. Shipping is free with Prime or if you spend $35 or more.

ASUS RT-N66W N900 Dual-Band Wireless Gigabit Router (White) $99, 原价180刀。

TP-LINK N300 Universal Wireless Range Extender w/ Roughcast Power Outlet (TL-WA860RE) $32.99, 原价60刀

QNAP 2-Bay Personal Cloud NAS Server (TS-231) $148.99, reg. $190

4. HL 2016-08-20 16:58
Amazon 现在 has TP-LINK Archer C9 AC1900 Dual-Band Wireless Gigabit Router 无线路由器降价后 for $105.10, 另外在产品页面上还有 $10 off 的 coupon, 最后只要 $95.10. Shipping is free.

5. HL 2017-07-08 15:25 is now offering this Linksys 3.0 Cable Modem for Comcast for only $19.99 (regularly $38.92).

With speeds up to 340Mbps and four times faster than DOCSIS 2.0 devices, this cable modem allows for high-speed transfer rates with your existing cable connection and there are no monthly rental fees. It is certified to work with Comcast and is compatible with most major cable broadband providers
6. HL 2017-09-19 20:52 has Netgear Nighthawk X4 AC2350 Dual-Band WiFi Gigabit Router (R7500-200NAS) for $128.99. Shipping is free.

7. HL 2017-09-21 10:07
Today only, September 21st, Amazon where you can save up to 35% off select TP-Link Smart Home and Networking Accessories. Note that this sale applies only to purchases made from Amazon.

This TP_Link AC1200 Gigabit Wireless Wi-Fi Router is only $44.99 shipped!

The router gives you 1.2Gbps of total available bandwidth and lets you easily share a printer, files, and media with networked devices or remotely via ftp server. You can also set up guest network access for visitors.
8. HL 2018-02-22 11:29
Today only, February 22nd, on Amazon where you can buy this highly rated TP-Link Archer AC1900 Dual-Band Gigabit Smart WiFi Router for just $69.99 shipped after you clip the $10 off coupon (regularly $109.99) – lowest price ever!

This router delivers speeds of up to 1.9GBPS so you can stream in 4K and game online without lag on your Xbox, PlayStation, PC or Mac. Plus, the powerful 1GHz dual-core processor easily keeps multiple devices up to speed simultaneously and the TP-Link Tether app allows you to set up and manage your router from any iOS or Android device. This purchase also includes are a 2-year warranty and FREE 24/7 technical support.
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