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作者: HL, 2020-11-10
问题: 请问各位都是到哪里买的瑜伽垫,牌子和大概价格多少?质量怎么样? 现在我刚开始练蕙兰瑜伽,还没有瑜伽垫,每次在床上练,不平。有没有好的瑜伽垫推荐给我?

瑜伽垫属于体育用品器材, 如果你每天都要用,而且想要买的专业一点,好一点的,可以到 Amazon 上或者是local 的体育用品商店买。

如果用的不多,只想要最一般的, 可以到 TJ Maxx 或者 Mashalls 去淘。一般也就10刀~15刀左右就可以买到。 不过缺点就是这种的yoga mat 一般比较薄,做动作时间长会硌得慌, 还有就是很难在硬地上固定,非常 slippery。 我就是买过,不过后来还是退掉了。

Aurorae Yoga Mats- Specially Designed 1/4" (6mm) Ultra Thick Memory Foam. 72" Long with our Rising Moon Focal Icon. Free from Phthalates, Silicone and Latex. Toxin Free and Bio-Degradable 100% guaranteed. 推荐我用的这个瑜伽垫, 在网上看到review非常好, 就买来试试了,结果真的非常喜欢。首先用了快两年了,看上去还是和买来时一样,很新的。 其次够厚, 我都是在硬地上做动作,一点也不会hurt 膝盖和关节, 很舒适的。 mat 也够宽够长, 适合各种体型的人。 我几年前买的时候不到30刀。

另外还有一种就是 Gaiam Yoga Mat, 这个我在Yoga club 里看到有人用,我觉得就是有点薄, 其他的非常好,不滑, 价钱要便宜, 而且式样和花色非常的赏心悦目, 我很喜欢。

Gaiam Print Premium Yoga Mats (5mm) 这个是5mm 厚的,厚度够了。 颜色花样真的很适合做瑜伽, 非常relaxing. 不到30刀。

Comments (13)

1. HL, 2014-03-04
介绍一套适合做瑜伽时做的装备。 Champion Women's Freedom Seamless Racerback Sports Bra 运动 bra, 做瑜伽看上去不激烈, 可是真正做到位,一套下来也会出汗的。 这个运动bra 弹力不错, support好,穿着也舒适, 吸汗也很好。 也同样适合跑步慢走时穿。

Spalding Women's Capri Legging 做运动时穿的裤子。 92% Cotton/8% Spandex Jersey 弹力好,可以support,绷紧你的臀部肌肉。 size小更适合于亚洲人的体型。比如 120lb-125lb 小号 fit perfectly.

2. HL, 2014-10-18
Danskin Women's Ankle Legging 这个leggings 是 57% Cotton/37% Polyester/6% Spandex。 所以support的很好,穿久了也不会松。 非常舒服, fit的也很好。 长度到脚腕的,不长也不短。 颜色有灰和黑。

Spalding Women's Ankle Legging 如果你更喜欢纯棉的东西的话, 可以看看这个也不错的, 是92% Cotton/8% Spandex Jersey的,长度同样到脚腕,颜色有黑和深灰色。

3. HL, 2015-01-22
Looking for a way to track your steps, distance, calories, fat burned, and exercise time? 现在这个 Ozeri 4x3razor Digital Pocket 3D Pedometer with Bosch Tri-Axis Technology 降价打折只要 $9.95 (reg. $49.95). This highly rated pedometer counts up to 1 million steps with 7-Day Memory, and includes a built-in Clock and Sports Timer with Auto Sleep technology. 非常适合跑步,健身做运动是带着。 Plus, shipping is free with a Super Saver order of $35 or free 2-day shipping with Amazon Prime.

4. HL, 2015-02-22
BalanceFrom GoYoga All-Purpose 1/2-Inch Extra Thick High Density Anti-Tear Exercise Yoga Mat with Carrying Strap 这种 1/2 inch 的瑜伽垫原价要50刀, 现在打折19.95刀. 带携带的背带,71" long 24" wide。All genuine BalanceFrom Products are covered by a 100% BalanceFrom Satisfaction Guarantee and 2-year BalanceFrom warranty。

5. HL, 2015-09-21
Amazon 现在 this Valeo Foam Exercise Mat 打折降价 for the lowest price it’s been of $11.44 (reg. $29.99). Plus, shipping is free with a $35 order or free 2-day shipping with Amazon Prime.

6. HL, 2015-10-14
Adidas Team Speed Medium Duffle Bag 现在这个阿迪的中型运动包,半价打折后 $24.99 (reg. $49.99)。这个运动包非常适合去gym锻炼, 或者参加各种球类运动时用。This duffel bag lets you pack all your gear to training and games. With climaproof protection from wet fields and floors, it features multiple compartments, including FreshPAK storage to isolate dirty shoes。

7. HL, 2015-11-23
Under Armour Undeniable Medium II Duffel Bag Under Armour 运动背包也很不错。够大,口袋也多可以分装。降价后39刀一个 with free shipping。

8. HL, 2016-04-11
Tone Fitness Neoprene Dumbbell Set with Rack, 这套哑铃现在降价只要$29.99 一套, 非常适合女生们在任何地方,进行简单的上身力量锻炼。

9. HL, 2016-07-21
Jump Rope to Master Double Unders and Cross Fitness Training - With Bonus Workout Ebook, Carry Case, Outdoor Cable Protector & Screw Kit. 比较专业的锻炼跳绳。 方便携带,可以 workout at anywhere. 只要10刀一条。

10. HL, 2017-06-12 now Tone Fitness High Density Yoga Exercise Mat with Carry Strap, Only $9.99 (regularly $29.99)

BalanceFrom GoYoga All-Purpose Yoga Mat in Blue – only $12.17 with in-store pick up discount.

11. HL, 2017-11-08 now you can get this a CAP Barbell 12-Piece Puzzle Exercise Mat for just $6.99 (regularly $12.89). Choose free in-store pick up.

This waterproof and interlocking mat protects your floors and gives a bit of cushioning for exercise. It can be configured to fit whatever shape of space you have and it easily wipes clean.
12. HL, 2018-02-20
On you can now get big savings on juniors’ activewear leggings.

Energie Juniors’ Harper Colorblocked Leggings in caviar/pink, Just $4.96 (regularly $34)

Energie Active Juniors’ Hallie High-Waist Leggings, Just $4.96 (regularly $34)

13. HL, 2020-11-10
On you can now buy this 家用可组装的锻炼用泡沫垫子 Ottomanson EVA Foam Tile Mat for just $16.81 (regularly up to $35).

This mat measures 24 square feet when assembled with the six interlocking pieces. It is made of a lightweight and durable EVA foam. Even better, it’s super easy to assemble, just snap the pieces together in any configuration and you’re ready to go. Create a workout area, add cushion to hard flooring for a playroom and more!