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作者: JC, 更新日期: 2016-04-12
The page lists the documents required to apply for a visa to attend wedding ceremony in the USA. Also towards the end, a sample invitation template to use.

1) Documents required to apply for a B-1/B-2 visitor visa for family visitors to the USA

-Valid passport
-Visa application fee
-Visa application forms

2) Documents highly recommended

B-1/B-2 visa applications are sometimes denied. To help strengthen your B-1/B-2 visa application, it is better to provide additional documents to clarify that the visit is temporary and for a specific occasion, for example, wedding ceremony. Also need to show the visitor will be supported financially while visiting the U.S. Most importantly, the additional documents should show proof of ties to the home country to prove that the visitor does not intend to immigrate to the U.S. Examples include:

-Proof of employment such as letter from the employer indicating that this individual is currently employed and is taking time off, but will return to work on a certain date.
-Proof of property ownership, such as a house, an apartment, or a business, if such a document exists.
-Proof of contact with other family members in the home country.
-Proof of finances – Proof that the family member can support himself/herself during his/her entire stay in the U.S. without working. For example, a bank statement.
-Proof of the family member's salary, employment, and/or income

3) 父母来美参加婚礼签证邀请信函样本模板如下.

Letter of Invitation

Date: (mm/dd/yyyy)

To Whom It May Concern:

I, the undersigned, residing at (U.S. address) would like to invite (Name of Guest) residing at (Address in Home Country).

Purpose of Invitation:____________

Other Planned Activities in U.S.:____________

Dates of Invitation From (mm/dd/yyyy) To (mm/dd/yyyy)

Information on Individual in the U.S.
Former Name, if any:____________
Date of Birth: (mm/dd/yyyy) Place of Birth:____________
Present Address:____________
Passport #: ____________ Date of issue: ____________
Passport Valid until: (mm/dd/yyyy) Visa Status:____________
Date of Entry to the U.S.: mm/dd/yyyy
Occupation:____________ Relationship to Guest:____________

Information about Guest
Maiden Name, if any:____________
Date of Birth: (mm/dd/yyyy) Place of Birth:____________
Present Address:____________
Name & Address of Employer:____________

____________ ____________
Inviter's Name Inviters Signature
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